Welcome to my webpage. I’ve been threatening to create this space for about four years; I was really just being lazy. You were probably expecting something a bit more magnificent. So was I.
The thing is, I had to finish my first book, and that did pretty well. Now I am working on my second book. It’s due to be available in July 2021. We can talk about that later.
I plan on writing—here—more than on Facebook, but the @TimCottonWrites page will continue. I’m going to experiment a little bit. Some of the shorter missives will go there, and the longer “stuff” will end up here.
This isn’t science. You should know that I don’t know what I am doing.
My blog (I hate the term) will stay here, so feel free to stop by and read them as they multiply over the next few months. We have also started a newsletter, and in that, you will find, typically, the last couple of blog posts from this page. They will be delivered right to your email inbox.
It seems like a great way to avoid mucking around on social media to read this nonsense, but you do whatever you want to do. You should know that so many folks signed up for the newsletter that we have had some difficulty sending out the enormous pile of emails.
My IT guy, Matt, thinks he has whiz-banged his way past the issues. I believe him, but only because he is the first IT guy I’ve met who allows me to ask stupid questions. He has never told me to unplug it and then plug it back in, and he avoids being condescending when he answers my dumb questions. For now, and it could change, we will be sending out one newsletter per week, and it will probably be sent out on Wednesday nights. Watch for it, check your spam folders, consider checking out the blog on the days in between.
Yes, Ellie (the box-a-dor) will be featured here. We are working on more photos. Ellie plays an important role in this sideshow. Most folks want to see photographs of dogs. Yes, cats too. I don’t have any cats. You can talk to Ellie about that. On second thought, don’t mention it to her.
We will have tee shirts available soon. And we will seek out some other merchandisable fodder to raise a few bucks to keep this tiny circus going.
Thanks for checking us out. Sign up for the newsletter. We will talk soon. Reach me at TimCottonWrites@gmail with questions. I try to get back to everyone within a few days. Thanks for all your support.