I took a one-way flight to Columbus, Ohio. Borrowing some air travel points from the Significant One made it cheaper than dinner out, even if a party of two had a good slab of steak with something decadent for dessert. Yes, I rode back to Maine with my boy. I rode shotgun. That was the…
Category: Blog Posts
Vast, Dense, Lush
There are many summer days when I must drive away from the woods of Washington County to attend to business a few steps back from the Jagged Edge. While my everyday life is in central Maine, my heart is on the coast. I cannot live there full-time for a myriad of reasons. But on…
We decided to meet at a neutral location since we last saw each other in 1969. Originally, we met in a town by a lake. Friday, we met by the ocean. It only made sense. Lonnie is a teacher in southern Maine—music. Of course, there was no way I could have known what he would…
Summer Came
Summer came, but somebody watered down a bit. I hope no one believes that I am complaining about the endless rain. The older you get, the more you appreciate it. When the sun broke through for a few minutes on the Fourth, and I felt the humidity rise, I concluded that all that rain hadn’t…
Leora’s Words, Not Mine
I have never used the term in my entire life. Back in the days when I did wear pajamas, I called them just that—pajamas. This might make sense to you soon, but surely not before I can explain myself. The sentence— stated directly to the dog as she ran up the steps after taking care…
Flight to the Death
The loud thump with a ringing resonance brought me out of dreamland, causing me to sit upright to clear the sleep from my head. “What the heck was that?” It sounded like the metallic PLUNK of an ancient steel gas can as it adjusts to a quick change in temperature. I am so sorry if…
Fully-Chained Melody
It stands to reason that I was ignoring the sounds. Sometimes, I have the house music turned up too loud too, so I am sure I’ve missed many of the joyous exclamations blurted out with nary a worry about how it sounds or whom it bothers. My often open bedroom window is within earshot of…
Acting on the Adage
She was walking purposefully, and I could see her coming from about an eighth mile away. She appeared to be about my age, but I am only basing that on the silver streaks in her short hair; it reflected the early morning sunshine enough to conclude that hers was the same color as mine, but…
I Spy With My Little Eye Something Caffeinated.
I’m road trip bound. I could fly. The Significant One piles up the travel points and is willing to share them with me. I declined. By mid-trip, I’ll rethink my strategy. Thirteen hours is a long ride by yourself. I can cover it during daylight hours if prompt in pulling out on time. I’m good…
The Solecism of Suppressing Sadness
I grew up with a lot of uncles. I am down to two that I know of. Like any family, the cruelty of death’s uncontrollable attrition removed many of them from contention of being my current favorite. No one would consider us close-knit, but I have had affection and respect for all of them….