I’m not complaining; snow is part of the deal here on the Jagged Edge of America. My friends, some already living their “best life” in The Villages, have intermittently given me polite admonitions over my few years spent in the sixties—the age, not the decade. The claim is that I seem like a guy who…
Category: Uncategorized
Have Cake, Will Travel
Two hundred sixty miles for cake, but it was a really good cake. Discombobulated is my life, mostly shot from the hip on a handheld camera without film. It would be expensive to find someone to edit it to make it understandable to a normal person. So, I strive on, unedited, feeling secure that a…
Dodging the Stones, Throwing None
With an eye toward light adventure, our trek through life is better shod with something sturdy. Boots? Sure. Good solid toe protection is key. A stout, resilient coat, unimpeded by excessive outer clinging gadgetry that catches on the branches that drag against us and slow us down, is also imperative. But you also need to…
Keep Digging
Don’t judge your day too early; a magical crust might be nearby. Sometimes, it’s right outside the door awaiting discovery. There will be days when you have to dig for the good stuff. Keep digging.
Cheap Grills for Cheap Thrills
I finally had to pull out the waterline and drain the cabin. This time of year, I stay in tune with the ten-day forecast. My belief that I could make it to November with hot indoor showers was shattered when I saw the trend toward below-freezing morning temperatures. My limit on downside trends is twenty-five…
I’m Doing Fine Now—without you, Baby
You can imagine how music impacts me as an old (and former) radio guy. I have some friends who need no music; they don’t desire to take a drive or give themselves time to stop and take pictures of the clouds when they align themselves in unique ways. That sums up why solo road trips…
Autumn Conversations
The sojourn to camp was a last-minute decision. My whole intention was to yard a couple of logs out of the woods for a camp neighbor, but I determined there was not enough weight on the back of the tractor to avoid the teeter-totter effect, so I’ll tackle that task in the next couple of…
Route Nine Reunion
We loaded up the truck, intending to make no stops along the way—camp-bound we were. The Significant One had an autumn fixation, freaking out photographically speaking while watching for various and varying colors, capturing the same in the memory bank of an iPhone while hanging out the window at times, much to my chagrin. I…
Camp—Day Three
Success is a word that is personally defined. If my supposition is correct, yesterday, I met the criteria. I rose, but the shining took a concerted effort—two cups, full. The chores were standard; none were completed at a record pace. Several stacks of shingles left over from the roofing job had to be stored away…
I’ll Always Be Andy
“What others think of us only matters if it’s more positive than we believe ourselves to be.” TC-2024 I’d never of heard him, but I was Andy Etchebarren for a while. I was seven or eight, and Andy Etchebarren never heard of me either. No one in the major leagues knew who I was—at least,…